Volume #1, Issue #17




Link: Click On Station Name

Agency / Formed: Seaford Police Department / 1865 

Type / Category / Size: Police Department / Town / Small

Address:  300 Virginia Avenue

Website:  seafordde.com

Sworn Officers: 24    

Jurisdiction Population:  7,957   

Jurisdiction Size:  5.6 Square Miles 

Interesting Fact: History of Police Department: Go To fb page Seaford Delaware, a look back in time dated November 24, 2020

Picture Taken By:  policestationpictures.com

Agency / Formed: Wyoming Police Department / 1865

Type / Category / Size: Police Department / Town / Small

Address:  1N Railroad Avenue

Website: wyoming.delaware.gov 

Sworn Officers: 5     

Jurisdiction Population:  1,801 ( 2020 Census )   

Jurisdiction Size:  1.06 Square Miles

Interesting Fact: The first mention of Town of Wyoming Law Enforcement in Historical Town Records was in 1865 and then again in 1941

Picture Taken By:  policestationpictures.com

Agency: Dagsboro Police Department

Type / Category / Size: Police Department/ Town / Small

Address: 33134 Main Street

Website: dagsboro.delaware.gov/police-department

Sworn Officers: 6

Jurisdiction Population: 870

Jurisdiction Size: 1.44 Square Miles

Interesting Fact: The Department will be adding a K-9 unit in November 2023

Interesting Fact: The Department has expanded 50% over the last 3 years

Interesting Fact: As of January 2023 the Department was in the planning stage to build a new police station

Picture Taken By: policestationpictures.com



> Delaware Supreme Court Ruling in Biddle v. State of Delaware Appeal

From the Court Decision ORDER:

“This 31st day of July 2023, after consideration of the parties’ briefs, the record below, and the argument of counsel, it appears to the Court that:

(1) On November 18, 2021, a Superior Court jury convicted defendant below- appellant Jamil T. Biddle (“Biddle”) of Robbery First Degree, Possession of a Firearm During the Commission of a Felony (“PFDCF”), and Conspiracy Second Degree.

(2) On appeal, Biddle claims that the Superior Court: (i) abused its discretion and violated Biddle’s right to a fair trial when it allowed the State to introduce the lay opinion of three police officers that Biddle was one of the suspects in a surveillance video shown to the jury; (ii) violated his Sixth Amendment right to a fair trial when it discharged a juror without attempting to assess her impartiality; and (iii) abused its discretion by allowing a police officer to testify as to the reason for the absence of any alleged victim or eyewitness at trial. We conclude that each of Biddle’s claims lacks merit. Therefore, we AFFIRM the judgment of the Superior Court.”

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> Change to the Delaware Code Relating to Law Enforcement Officer Bill of Rights

House Bill 205 – Signed into Law August 7, 2023

From the Synopsis:

“This Act makes a number of revisions to the Law-Enforcement Officer’s Bill of Rights in Title 11 of the Delaware Code. It adds part-time officers to the coverage of the chapter. It distinguishes between formal investigations and informal inquiries, but requires that even informal inquiries must comport with federal and State law, including NLRB v. J. Weingarten, Inc., 420 U.S. 251 (1975) and Garrity v. New Jersey, 385 U.S. 493 (1967). This Act requires that a detailed narrative of an internal investigation must be prepared by an investigating agency and publicly posted in any case involving use of force that results in serious physical injury; the discharge of a firearm; a sustained finding of sexual assault or sexual harassment; a sustained finding of dishonesty; or a sustained finding of domestic violence. Further, it requires that an investigation into officer misconduct must be completed, regardless of the employment status of the officer. I.e., even if an officer resigns or retires while an investigation is pending, the department must complete the investigation and report sustained findings of misconduct to the Council on Police Training. “

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> Edward Bryne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program for FY23

Grant Funds Awarded to Dover Police Department and Smyrna Police Department

From the Dover Police Department Website, NEWS Section

On June 30th, the US Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance, released the approved funding allocations for the annual formula based Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program for the FY23 Local Solicitation.  The Dover Police Department was listed as a disparate entity along with the Smyrna Police Department and Kent County, Delaware.  The total amount awarded this year is $85,945.

As a result, the Dover Police Department, Smyrna Police Department and Kent County will submit a joint application for the funds.  Kent County does not qualify for direct funding because they are not involved with providing criminal justice services, so the whole amount will be available for use by the Dover and Smyrna Police Departments. 

Following is a breakout of the funding and how each agency will use their portion:

  • $10,623 to Smyrna Police Department > Fixed License Plate Reader
  • $75,622 to Dover Police Department > Special Operations Response Team Training & Equipment

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> Delaware Police Departments Accredited With CALEA (‘The Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement”)

Bethany Beach PD

Dover PD

Millsboro PD

University of Delaware PD

Capital PD

Delaware Bay Authority PD

New Castle County PD

Wilmington PD

Delaware Bay Authority PD

Middleton PD

Newark PD


> Delaware Chief’s of Police Association

The Delaware Chief’s of Police Association consists of 51 police agencies. It was started in 1971 by several Delaware Chief’s of Police. All Delaware Chief’s of police can join the the Association aw well as a ‘Second-In-Command’ with the rank of Captain or higher. The Association is having its 2024 ‘Annual Staff Development Seminar’ in May. The event will take place in Dewey Beach.

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