• Population: 19,980,000
  • Size: 292,260 Square Miles

  • Agency / Formed: Carabineros / April 1927
  • Type / Category / Size: Police Department / National / Large
  • Headquarters Address:  Santiago
  • Website:  Link: Not Open Outside Country
  • Employees:  51,728 ( Sworn & Civilian )
  • Annual Budget: 1.6 Million US Dollars 
  • Interesting Fact: Moto – Orden y Patria ( Order and Fatherland ) 
  • Picture Taken By:  Steve Keddell
  • Agency / Format: Investigative Police of Chile
  • Type / Category / Size: Investigative Agency / National / Large
  • Headquarters Address:  Santiago
  • Website:  Link: Not Open Outside Country
  • Employees:  ( Sworn & Civilian )
  • Interesting Fact: The PDI is the principal law enforcement arm of the Public Ministry of Chile in criminal investigation
  • Picture Taken By:  Steve Keddell
  • Supreme Court ( Highest Court ) > The Court oversees application of the legislation in force and exercises administrative and disciplinary control over all other courts and judges nationwide
  • Courts of Appeal ( 17 Courts throughout the Country )
  • Oral Criminal Guarantee Courts: General Courts
  • Guarantee Judges ( 84 Separate Location throughout the Country ) > Investigation and Accusation over site only, the guarantee judges have the exclusive task of judging, they can not investigate crimes
  • Military Tribunals ( Military Issues Only )
  • Police Courts ( 300 Locations throughout the Country )

> Constitutional Court ( Constitutional Issues Only ) > It is > NOT < part of the judicial branch and is functionally independent of the Judicial, Legislative and Executive branches. The Chilean Constitutional Court deals with constitutional law issues.

> The Republic of Chile is now in the final stages of rewriting Constitution. The final draft is jeopardy of being rejected. Political polls show the popular leaning to rejecting a final draft.has been rejected. As of the last poll taken in September 2023, those Against – 56%, those in Favor – 26%, and those Uncertain – 19%

> Carabineros de Chile is the Chilean national law enforcement agency, that has jurisdiction over the entire national. In April 1927, three main existing police groups merged under the direction of the central government. The new agency was named by the first Director. The Chilean Police Force was the first national police forces in South America. Air Operations, the air unit of the force started in 1960. In 1962 women were accepted into the force.

Thee National Band of the Carabineros (Banda Nacional de Carabineros de Chile). It is for the most part a marching band.

> Investigative Police of Chile ( PDI ) is National Police Investigative Agency. The PDI has 12,600 Sworn Members, 128 Stations throughout the Country, and was started in 1933. The PDI is Chile’s operational and intelligence police unit in charge of serious crime investigation.

  • Carabineros De Chile Academic Centres
  • Carabineros Police Sciences Academy
  • Carabineros Officers School “General Carlos Ibáñez del Campo”
  • Non-Commissioned Officers School “S.O.M. Fabriciano González Urzúa”
  • Carabineros Training School “Alguacil Mayor Juan Gómez de Almagro”
  • Cavalry School “General Oscar Cristi Gallo”
  • Frontier School “Teniente Hernán Merino Correa”
  • Dogs Training School “General Mario Puente García”
  • Re-training National Centre

The Republic of Chile is at a crossroads, as it has been for years ever since 1990 when the then-dictator Augusto Pinochet was “booted” out of power [ Dictatorship 1977 to 1990 ]. Chilean Law Enforcement has used questionable techniques and methods to enforce “their” version of law enforcement. The Courts are close behind Law Enforcement. As recently as September 2023, politics has moved from left-of-center to right-of-center. The “New Constitution” is in question and will fail unless reasonable citizens from the “political middle” step forward.