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CALL BOX – – –

  • County Population: 9.34 Million
  • Country Size: 8,469 Square Miles
  • Number of Agencies: 1 – Israeli National Police ( INP )
  • Agency: INP falls under the Ministry of Public Security
  • Employees: 35,000 ( Sworn )
  • Volunteers: 70,000 ( Civilians )
  • Personnel: 70% Men / 30% Women
  • Ethnicity: 93% Jewish, 7% Non Jewish ( Druze Arab & Muslim )
  • Stations: 67
  • Annual Budget: 8.3 Billion Israeli Shekels
  • Commissioner: Kobi Shabtai / 19th Commissioner
  • Districts: Central / Southern / Northern / Jerusalem / Tel Aviv / Judea Samaria
  • Modeled After: British Law Enforcement