Volume #1, Issue #11

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Showcased Police Stations

From the State of Virginia

To Link, Click on the Station Name
  • Agency / Formed: Franklin / 1964
  • Type / Category / Size: Police Department / Town / Small
  • Address: 1018 Pretlow Street
  • Website: franklinpoliceva.com  
  • Sworn Officers:  29
  • Officer to Citizen Ratio:  3.1
  • Jurisdiction Population: 8,300   
  • Jurisdiction Size: 8.36 Square Miles
  • Interesting Fact: The Station was built in 2001
  • Interesting Fact: The First Chief was Harold Roach
  • Interesting Fact: Under the First Chief were 6 Full Time Officers
  • Picture Taken By: policestationpictures.com
  • Agency / Formed: Richmond / 1807
  • Type / Category / Size: Police Department / City / Large
  • Address: 200 West Grace Street
  • Website: rva.gov  
  • Sworn Officers: 750 
  • Officer to Citizen Ratio: 3.6  
  • Jurisdiction Population: 230,400   
  • Jurisdiction Size: The Department has 4 Precincts
  • Interesting Fact: 2020 Department Expenditures > 96 Million Dollars +
  • Interesting Fact: In 2022 7.5% of the Population was Foreign Born
  • Interesting Fact: The Department received 298,665 “calls” for service in 2022
  • Picture Taken By: policestationpictures.com
  • Agency / Formed: Wytheville / 1908*
  • Type / Category / Size: Police Department / Town / Small
  • Address: 185 W Spring Street
  • Website: police.wytheville.org  
  • Sworn Officers: 28 
  • Officer to Citizen Ratio: 2.85  
  • Jurisdiction Population: 8,241 ( 2021 )    
  • Jurisdiction Size: 14.6 Square Miles
  • Interesting Fact: 184 Towns people died during the 1950 Polio Epidemic
  • Interesting Fact: * 1908 Chief Walter McClintock was killed in front of the Court House while arresting a felon
  • Interesting Fact: The Town was named after George Wythe singer of the Declaration of Independence
  • Picture Taken By: Lieutenant Bryan S. Bard, Wytheville Police Department, 2023

State of Virginia Law Enforcement Agencies

  • Total: 348
  • State: 7
  • County: 96
  • Municipal: 67
  • Towns: 127
  • Private: 8
  • University & College: 42
  • Special District: 1
  • Number of Sworn Officers:  22,800
  • State Population: 8.7 Million
  • State Size: 42,769.8 Square Miles ( Land: 39,417.7 & Water: 3,298.1 )
  • Largest Accredited Agency (Sworn Personnel) Virginia State Police, 2,150 Authorized
  • Largest Accredited Municipal Agency (Sworn Personnel): Fairfax County Police Department, 1,500 Authorized
  • Smallest Accredited Agency (Sworn Personnel): West Point Police Department, 8 Authorized

Call Box – First Police Department in Virginia and Nation

The Division of Capitol Police formed 1618 in the Permanent English Settlement of Jamestown. It started out with 10 officers

Link > https://dcp.virginia.gov

Call Box – Virginia Laws, Rules, Regulation & Guidelines for Police Departments

Code of Virginia – Sections Addressing Law Enforcement < Link
  • § 9.1-101. Definitions (Private Police)
  • § 15.2-1701.Organization of police forces.
  • § 23.1-809. Public institutions of higher education; establishment of campus police departments authorized; employment of officers.
  • § 52-1.Department of State Police.

Call Box – Virginia Facial Recognition Technology

Virginia Deportment of Criminal Justice Services

Facial Recognition Technology Guide for Agency Reporting Requirements, Published May 2023 < Link

Call Box – Trafficked Children – Triggers to Discovery

From the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services / Model Policy on Human Trafficking, dated November 13, 2011

Children who have being trafficked may display one or more of the following :

  • Have no access to their parents or guardians
  • Look intimidated and behave in a way that does not correspond with behavior typical of children their age
  • Have no friends of their own age outside of work
  • Have no access to education
  • Have no time for playing
  • Live apart from other children and in substandard accommodations
  • Eat apart from other members of the “family”
  • Be given only leftovers to eat
  • Be engaged in work that is not suitable for children
  • Travel unaccompanied by adults
  • Travel in groups with persons who are not relatives
  • Appear to have a strong attachment to the potential trafficker
  • The presence of child-sized clothing typically worn for doing manual or sex work
  • The presence of toys, beds and children’s clothing in inappropriate places such as brothels and factories
  • The claim made by an adult that he or she has “found” an unaccompanied child
  • The finding of unaccompanied children carrying telephone numbers for calling taxis
  • The discovery of cases involving illegal adoption

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